Make your own coffee mug

Make your own coffee mugEducationAdult,Jack Blanchard,Pottery,Workshops05apr9:00 am12:00 pm9:00 am - 12:00 pm The Art Gallery at Congdon Yards, 400 W English Rd, Suite 151


April 5, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm


The Art Gallery at Congdon Yards

400 W English Rd, Suite 151

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Event Details

Start off your Social Saturday by making your very own coffee mug from clay!  Students will learn basic hand-building techniques and use them to create their own coffee mug.  We will add handles and decorate the mugs to make a unique work of art.  Participants will also choose a color of glaze for their mug.  TAG supplies all materials…please allow 3 weeks for firing before pick-up.

Instructor: Jack Blanchard

Cost: $40 for TAG members ($125 mentor level) and above and $50 for non-members

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