Oil Painting – Workshop I – CLASS IS FULL

Oil Painting - Workshop I - CLASS IS FULLEducationAdult,Gayle Lambeth,Painting & Drawing,Workshops21sep5:00 pm8:00 pm5:00 pm - 8:00 pm The Art Gallery at Congdon Yards, 400 W English Rd, Suite 151


September 21, 2023 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm


The Art Gallery at Congdon Yards

400 W English Rd, Suite 151

Other Events

Event Details

Learn about oil painting in this 3-hour “follow the leader” workshop. Participants will have a completed 9×12” painting of a marsh landscape ready to hang by the end of the session. The class is limited to 6 students.

Instructor: Gayle Lambeth

Cost: $65 TAG Members and $80 for non-members

Registration Closed