Sketch Smart-Beginning Drawing for Teens

This is a repeating event

Sketch Smart-Beginning Drawing for TeensEducation15 & Up,16 & Up,Adult,Ages 14-17,Classes,Homeschool,Painting & Drawing,Tuari Micah Walker,Youth Classes02apr2:00 pm4:00 pm2:00 pm - 4:00 pm The Art Gallery at Congdon Yards, 400 W English Rd, Suite 151


April 2, 2025 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


The Art Gallery at Congdon Yards

400 W English Rd, Suite 151

Other Events

Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series

9April 2:00 pm16April 2:00 pm23April 2:00 pm

Event Details

This four-week class is on Wednesday, April 2, April 9, April 16, and April 23.

This four-week class is for students ages 13 and up who are interested in developing their drawing skills. Artist Micah Walker will teach five basic steps: observing forms, linear perspective, details and shading, and peer and self-critique. Students will practice these foundations using still-life compositions.

Sketchbooks will be provided, but students may bring their own.

Instructor: Micah Walker


  • TAG Members, Mentor Level or Higher: $90
  • Non-Members, All Other TAG Membership Levels: $110

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