Ceramic Creations 2

This is a repeating event

Ceramic Creations 2EducationAdult,Classes,Leigh Blanchard,Pottery06mar5:30 pm8:00 pm5:30 pm - 8:00 pm The Art Gallery at Congdon Yards, 400 W English Rd, Suite 151


March 6, 2025 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm


The Art Gallery at Congdon Yards

400 W English Rd, Suite 151

Other Events

Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series

13March 5:30 pm20March 5:30 pm27March 5:30 pm3April 5:30 pm17April 5:30 pm

Event Details

Six-week session – Thursdays, March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3, 17

This class is designed for students of all levels of ceramic experience.  Participants will learn aspects of working with clay both on the wheel and handbuilding.  This class is an excellent experience for those curious about ceramics but also for past participants that want to further their skills. Participants will receive a bag of clay and access to open studio times outside of class.

Instructor: Leigh Blanchard

Cost: $190 (TAG Members (Mentor level or higher) and $210 for non-members and all other TAG membership levels

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